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Trail Riding in Virginia

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You’ve bought your perfect horse farm in Virginia, but now want to get away for an afternoon and do some trail riding. You’re lucky, Virginia is one of the best states to trail ride in due to its natural beauty and number of places to trail ride throughout the state. So, get your gear together, pack a light picnic, stay hydrated, and go out and have some fun! We’ve gone ahead and listed a few of the most popular trail riding places throughout the state for your convenience!

Shenandoah Valley

In the middle of the state, the Shenandoah offers many opportunities for trail riding with spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. With its many parks as well as farms, if you don’t have your own horse, it will be hard to choose just one place and you’ll have to come back many times!

Shenandoah River State Park

  • With over sixteen-hundred acres and 5.2 miles of shoreline, this State Park offers a little bit of everyone for outdoor enthusiasts! Along with the water views, the park has views of Shenandoah National Park to the east and Massanutten Mountain to the west, so no shortage of mountain views either. In addition to trail rides, you can camp, hike, bike, and zip line your way across the park!

Blue Ridge Highlands

Located next to the Shenandoah Valley, the Blue Ridge Highlands consists of the eastern edge of the Appalachian Mountains. These mountains are central and vital to Virginia. They have played an important part in history and are spectacular to look upon during any season.

New River Trail State Park

With multiple spots to park your horse trailer along the 57-mile park, New River Trail has multiple opportunities for some good trail riding. It also includes many bridges and a couple of tunnels to navigate through. The park is open from dawn to dusk and also offers canoe and bike rentals, and has fishing spots available throughout the trail.

Virginia Highlands Horse Trail

Known by many names, such as Jefferson National Forest, the Virginia Highlands Horse Trail is a long 67-mile trail that winds through creeks and has multiple scenic views as you go through the forest. It is open year-round to non-motorized use, however, it is open to motorcycles from October through April 1. With an elevation of between 2900 and 3500 feet, it’s a full day activity and fun for all ages.

Northern Virginia

Northern Virginia is home to multiple equestrian trails located throughout the area. The richness of nature so close to the hustle and bustle of D.C. is a welcomed diversion for many and the trails provided definitely provide that tranquility.

Washington & Old Dominion Railroad Regional Park

Located between Shirlington and Purcellville, W&OD is one of the skinniest parks in Virginia. Located within the park is a 32-mile gravel horse trail and has many areas to jump in and off as needed for breaks or picnics. There is also a trail that is for bikers, walkers and such that runs about 45-miles across the same cities.

While there are many choices for trail riding in Virginia, there are really no wrong choices as most will offer what you want, to get away and ride and be with nature. Enjoy the ride!

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