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Tips on Purchasing a New Horse

1 Comment

  You finally purchased that epic piece of property you have been eyeing for quite some time and now want to add a couple horses you have been wanting since you can remember. You have enjoyed riding in the past but this will be your first time owning your own horse. You just purchased a “horse farm” so now you need horses! You may be wondering where to start, what breed to purchase, how much pasture land do they need, but this list can go on and on. A good place to start would be to speak with an experienced horse owner.
  When purchasing a horse, you should not focus your decision on a particular breed. Experts suggest choose a horse on temperament and training NOT on breed. An “unbroken” horse could be difficult to train and takes not only time to train but money. An expert from Spruce.com suggests a few of the tips when purchasing a new horse:

  • Lean away from purchasing an untrained horse. Training takes time and experience but could be dangerous if not done right. You want to keep not only yourself safe but others who might be riding that horse.
  • Consider an older horse because they have experienced the world, know how to handle situations that could startle them, enjoys having attention and riders, but most important a chill temperament.
  • Purchasing a young horse to grow up with your child might be tempting but young horses are unpredictable and haven’t had experience like an older horse. Younger horses may have attitudes and easily startled which could be dangerous with young riders.
  • Impulse buying can lead to purchasing wrong horse. If you found a horse you absolutely love take the time to consider the purchase. Ask more questions, go home and take the evening to sure the horse is a good fit.
  • You have decided on the horse you want to purchase. Don’t be afraid to ask for a trial period. Owners want their horses to go to a good home and most of the time will allow a trial period to make sure the horse is a good fit. This is an important step because your new horse will be a part of your family for years. So make sure they are a good fit!

  Purchasing a horse is a big decision just like purchasing a new horse farm. So many decisions to be made, factors to consider and extra cost what could incur. Most importantly as with anything is to do your research, ask the right questions to the right people and take your time to purchase your new horse. Making an informed decision when purchasing a horse can save you time and heartache in the end.

  If you are interested in purchasing a horse farm in the central virginia area then head on over to Charlottesville Horse Farms for Sale and check our the horse farms other real estate available in the Charlottesville Area!

  • Kyle Wayne

    I thought it was interesting that you mention not buying a young horse since they’re unpredictable. My dad is looking to buy horse properties but needs tips on horses as well. I’ll be sure to talk to him about not buying young horses.

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